Christmas of 2010

Christmas at the Williams home 2010
                            Ron (Aaron's dad) with Zach (Tashina's son)

Linda (Aaron's step mom) with Stephanie (Linda's niece) 

Tashina (Linda's niece) with her new husband

Wow Zach! Look at the wonderful gift from Ron and Linda.

What a nice picture of Ron and Linda by the Christmas Tree

Thank you Ron and Linda for the new shirt you bought for me

Tyson (Tashina's brother) and his family

What a cute couple we are. I am not taller than Aaron. I am sitting on the arm of the chair. Aaron looks so small to me in this picture. Oh, well... still cute!

Amy (Tyson's wife) and their son Marcus

I caught her drinking in the chocolate milk carton. This picture was so precious.

Christmas Eve at my Aunt Linda and Uncle Dawayne's home 2010

I love you honey. Merry Christmas!

My mom's mom (Mary Hornbuckle)

My uncle Dawayne and their dog (Moe)

My mom and my cousin Michelle

Jason with my Aunt Linda

Aunt Linda and her daughter Michelle

Grandma and myself

My mom with Michelle

Jason and my dad

Jason and Michelle

Help!! I am being squished by Michelle